Workmen’s Compensation

New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act
Workers’ compensation provides employees who suffer work-related injuries or diseases with medical treatment, temporary disability and permanent disability benefits. An employee injured on the job will receive these benefits regardless of whether he or she was at fault for the accident. Moreover, in the case of an employee who dies as a result of a work-related accident, his or her dependents will receive death benefits. The injured employee will receive reasonable and necessary medical treatment, hospitalizations and prescription medications at no cost as long as it is related to the work-place injury. Additionally, an injured worker is entitled to temporary disability benefits if the employee is disabled for a period of more than seven days, retroactive to the first day of lost time. The injured worker will receive 70% of his or her average weekly wage, not to exceed the statutory maximum rate or below the statutory minimum rate.
When an injured worker suffers a permanent loss of a bodily impairment, permanent disability benefits are paid to him or her based on functional loss from the date temporary disability ceases to be paid. An employee who suffers a work injury or illness that prevents him or her from returning to gainful employment may be entitled to permanent total disability benefits, which are initially provided for 450 weeks. Benefits will continue beyond the 450 week period provided that the injured worker remains totally disabled. The injured worker receives weekly benefits that are based upon 70% of his or her average weekly wage, not to exceed the statutory maximum rate or below the statutory minimum rate. Dependents of an injured worker who died as a result of his or her work-related injury or illness may be entitled to receive death/dependency benefits and funeral expenses not to exceed $3,500.00. The amount of the death/dependency benefit that the dependent(s) will receive is 70% of the deceased worker’s wage, not to exceed the statutory maximum.
Fredrick L. Rubenstein is a dedicated and experienced workers’ compensation attorney with the knowledge and skill necessary to properly represents the interests of those who have suffered a work-place injury. If you have been injured in a work-place accident, it is important that you consult with an attorney to discuss your rights. Contact our office at 732-906-1212 for a consultation.
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